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Photoshop Template to Apply Apple's Mirror Reflection Effect to Your iPhone / iPad App Icons
Step by step instructions to make a version of your 512 x 512 iTunes store app icon with the mirror reflection effect typically used by Apple. Very quick and easy photoshop template that produces a nice finished result.
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Adobe Edge Developer Community - Forum, Blog, Tutorials, and Resources -
Developer community for the new Adobe Edge featuring a forum, blog, and sections for tutorials and resources. Adobe Edge will be compliant on all mobile devices and seems like an interesting update to the Adobe Flash concept utilizing HTML5.
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iPhone Dev SDK
iPhone Dev SDK is a community for software developers interested in the iPhone SDK platform. Founded in March 2008, it was one of the first communities for the platform, and is known for its friendly atmosphere. Our developers have a strong presence on the forums, so stop and by and say hello!
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Deviant Art is a site which allows artists of all kinds to display and comment on each other's work. Browsing therein is a great way to find inspiration and potentially find artists to work on projects you may have.
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PVRTC Conversion Tool
This is a tool which allows you to convert images into PVRTC format easily, for use in your iPhone projects. It was created in collaboration with JBullfrog during the development of Ninja Buddy. PVRTC images are far more memory and disk size friendly, but they can be a little ugly. A good way to get around this is to originally make your images double size, convert them to PVRTC, and then display them at half size in your project. When done this way the images look almost as good as the original and use about 40% the RAM of the original image.
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